
Click on the pictured icon below to view the videos in the given subject matter.






Evolution vs. Creation

Videos that debunk the religion of atheism and its model of evolution and solidify the position of creation. Be emboldened to believe in God and His Word who is Christ Jesus. Truly understand that science actually confirms the Word. It's really Science vs. Atheism and not what they have brainwashed society to believe.





Are We Living in the End Times?

Videos that explain the times in which we live and how they relate to the Holy Bible. Understand we are living in the end times events right now! Gain some perspective of these times. Watch these videos and see for yourself. Do not simply hide your head in the sand. With perspective, you can better prepare yourself for the Lord's coming. Come watch and gain knowledge and insight so that you can better understand what is happening around you. Be watchful and sober in mind!




Proving God Exists

Videos that prove God exists and that the God of the Bible is the One True Living God. If miraculous events that actually took place in history are confirmed, then there is only one conclusion that can be made. God MUST EXIST! Once you grasp the magnitude of this realization, your heart will be opened to receive Christ and you can begin your journey as a born-again Christian.





Proving Christ is the Messiah

Videos that prove the Messiahship of Jesus Christ and His claim as the Son of God. Gain a better understanding that Christ MUST be the Son of God. Understand the meticulous nature and great detail that surround the life of Christ. Once you see and comprehend the magnitude of the events that took place and the incredible accuracy of the prophecies, your faith will be strengthened in the Lord.





Learn How to Witness

Videos that help you learn how to witness to others and providing you the knowledge to do so confidently. Gain an understanding of the blueprint Christ gave us to reach others with the gospel. Once you understand that most people only have a shallow understanding that supports their belief system, you can be confident in yourself and no longer fear rejection.





Watch Christian Movies Online

Movies like... The Passion of the Christ, God of Wonders, The Nativity Story, Letters to God, The Encounter, The Ultimate Gift, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, The Final Inquiry, A Walk in My Shoes, Undercover Angel, I Am Gabriel, What Would Jesus Do?, One Night with a King!